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Work experience and mentoring programmes for students

We believe every young person deserves the opportunity to develop their cultural capital through direct experience of the workplace. By working 1-2-1 with their mentor from their partner companies, we help equip them with the knowledge, confidence, and networks to succeed in the modern workplace.
Our impact mentoring session

Programmes designed to change the way young people access the workplace

Mentoring launch day

Wiseup is dedicated to ensuring that every young person, regardless of background, has access to opportunities that prepare them for the future. Through mentorship, exposure to the workplace, and skill-building activities, we help students unlock their potential.

We've designed our programmes with the enhancement of cultural capital in mind; to ensure we're achieving our objectives, we measure changes in the students' knowledge, skills, confidence, and career awareness before and after the programme.

Cultural capital pioneers

We’re working towards a world where young people transcend cultural capital barriers. Cultural capital can be defined by:
1 gold
Embodied cultural capital
Knowledge, behaviours, and skills, such as the ability to communicate in a professional setting.
2 gold
Objectified cultural capital
Awareness of professional tools and environments, such as understanding career options and professional etiquette.
3 gold
Institutionalised cultural capital
Qualifications and certifications, but also access to social capital (networks, mentors, and connections).

Mentee feedback

Discover the many ways in which a mentor and mentee relationship can transform lives
"The programme has changed the perception that businesses within Central London is only for 'affluent' people."
"The experience was sooo informative! I loved each day I intended as all staff were so lovely and welcoming and taught us so much and more than school would."
"It was a really nice opportunity to get an inside into the world of work. I was able to gain a lot of hands on experience and learnt many life lessons that will remain with me for the rest of my life."
"The tips I learnt about maximising networking, structuring personal branding and dedication, along side the life skills were priceless."

Key findings

% of students felt more confident about their future careers
% of students found their mentoring a transformative experience

Join force with a multi-award winning social enterprise

We're proud to have played a part in transforming the lives of the UK's future workforce & to be recognised for our efforts.

Awards 2024 1
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