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Safeguarding Policy

Individual Impact 1

Wiseup Networks policy for safeguarding children

As part of The Pathfinder Programme, we work closely with a number of colleges & their students, ensuring we meet each educational provider's unique safeguarding procedure.

Wiseup is dedicated to ensuring all young people involved in our programmes are treated ethically and are safe at all times, in line with a number of legal frameworks: Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006), Working Together to Safeguard Children (2019), The Children Act (2004) and Care Act (2014)

This policy outlines our general safeguarding procedures.


Safeguarding is the process of ensuring young people (as vulnerable individuals) are protected whilst working with adults. This includes ensuring any adult volunteers operate in a responsible manner, as well as the procedure for disclosing potential threats to a student's welfare.

We have taken the following legislation into consideration when formulating this policy:

  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children (2019)
  • The Children Act (2004)
  • Care Act (2014)

Our Programme Lead Tom Lewis - [email protected] - is our designated safeguarding officer.

All mentors have received advice as part of the programme, which includes information on safeguarding. Mentors are responsible for ensuring they abide by our safeguarding procedure, which includes details unique to their mentee's school, throughout the programme.

We recognise our responsibility to ensure the safety & care of all student participants for the duration of their involvement in this programme & have outlined below the steps we have taken to protect participants.

Wiseup will keep children safe by:

  1. Ensuring all adults involved in the programme are aware of & have agreed to act responsibly in line with our safeguarding policy
  2. Facilitating the general training of volunteer mentors and providing advice, so they're aware of the appropriate procedures for mentoring young people
  3. Managing relationships between mentors & students
  4. Working closely with our educational partners to operate in alignment with their safeguarding procedures
  5. Supervising that mentoring sessions are in line with the college safeguarding policy by working with the college contact
  6. Ensuring we align with our college partner’s Health and safety policies
  7. Alerting relevant parties of any child welfare concerns
  8. Ensuring all participants are respectful of any social or cultural differences & that all students are treated fairly regardless of age, gender, racial heritage, disability, religion & sexuality
  9. Following strict data protection guidelines


Wiseup are responsible for:

  • Keeping this policy relevant & up to date
  • Ensuring all mentors have received basic safeguarding advice
  • Ensuring all mentors have read & agreed to this policy ahead of programme commencement
  • Managing the relationships between mentors & students
  • Ensuring our policy aligns with each school's policy, adjusting it to fit if needs be

Mentors are responsible for:

  • Reading through & agreeing to this policy ahead of programme commencement
  • Holding self to a high standard at all times when dealing with student mentees
  • Maintaining best practices for mentoring young people, as provided in the mentor briefing manual
  • Reporting any welfare concerns to relevant parties

Safeguarding policy

Safeguarding policy

Relevant legislation

Our policy has been created to ensure the safety and accountability of all involved, it is to be used as a guide for mentors on our programmes.

This policy will be reviewed & updated each year or at the time of any applicable legislation changes, to ensure it is as relevant as possible.

We have considered the following legal framework when formulating our policy:

• Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)

• Working Together to Safeguard Children (2019)

• The Children Act (2004)

• Care Act (2014)

2. Designated safeguarding lead

• Our Programme Lead & designated safeguarding officer Tom Lewis will be a point of contact for all participants.

3. Code of Conduct

• Mentors recognise they are in a position of authority and will not abuse this trust

• Mentors must treat all students fairly despite background

• Mentors must commit to confidentiality, accept for if there is a danger to students welfare

• Mentors are representing their company, so will behave in line with their company values

4. Dresscode

• All mentors should wear suitable, non-offensive clothing

5. Communication with students

• There will always be another adult present during mentoring sessions

• Communication with students should be kept to topics relating to the mentoring & work experience

• Mentors should aim for non-judgemental & unbiased language

• Mentors should refrain from any physical contact with their mentees

• Mentors & mentees can keep in touch after the programme completes for any future opportunities, however Wiseup is no longer responsible, the business itself becomes responsible for mentor’s conduct

5. Data protection

• Mentors will not receive any personal information other than the student’s school email address, which must be stored properly

• Wiseup securely stores any personal data in line with GDPR

• Wiseup’s Data Controller – Graham Wood – [email protected] can be contacted for any data concerns

6. Reporting possible concerns

• Mentors need to remain vigilant for any welfare concerns that could indicate a threat to the student’s welfare or safety. These could include: signs of abuse, self-harm or radicalisation.

• Any concerns for welfare will need to be reported to Tom Lewis

Safeguarding procedure for your mentoring sessions

In alignment with the above principles, here are some key safeguarding points to consider when carrying out your role as a mentor:

• Whilst volunteering as a mentor, you will be spending time with your student mentee in person & online, however, for the protection of all involved, you will always have at least one other adult with you.

• Keep any personal data or information safe, in line with GDPR regulations.

• Whilst confidentiality is of the utmost importance and you should keep the content of your sessions private, if there is a time when a young person discloses information that could pose a threat to the child (such as self-harm or abuse) you are required to disclose this to Programme Lead & Designated Safeguarding Lead – Tom Lewis.

• Use the contact channels & times provided when communicating with your mentee

• You are responsible for conducting yourself appropriately when mentoring your student – please ensure you are positive, friendly, reliable & trustworthy. Keep an open mind and remain respectful of any social or cultural differences.

• You can contact our Programme Lead, if you have any concerns or queries about safeguarding.

Wiseup Networks 2024