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Diane Titterton Profile Photo
Diane Titterton Health, Wellness & Fitness
Founder of Time to Flourish
United Kingdom
20+ Years experience
Price Tier - £

Hi, I'm Diane

I am a Mindfulness Coach and Business Mentor. I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs use mindfulness to manage their thoughts and emotions in a way that enables them to achieve more, worry less and find more happiness in the here and now.

My aim is to empower others to better manage stress by taking control of your monkey mind, taming the critical voice in the head and focusing all your positive energy on the people and things that really matter.

I’ve worked in corporate, spending 11 years as an entrepreneur when I invented a children's potty training product, developed the prototype, patented & launched it in all the major supermarkets in the UK & in the USA, so I understand the demands that come with a successful, rewarding career.

I have also been a voluntary business mentor for the Prince's Trust & balanced this with being a Mum and organising a busy family life.

Now I’m following my passion & purpose which is to combine all the best bits and skills I’ve learned into helping others to perform to the best of their ability at work and at home.

Our success in business is largely dependent on both IQ and emotional intelligence, which determines our ability to lead people and make good decisions, while still managing our own health and wellbeing to prevent stress and burnout.

What do I do?

I have found that mentees I've worked with often need a sounding board for business decisions but they can also benefit from having someone to help coach them through decision making and help to ensure they stay physically and mentally fit.

These skills help entrepreneurs realise your full potential and create the vision you have within.

I help you take control back of your biggest asset, your mind, & to have more clarity around drivers & blocks. I facilitate self-enquiry and show how to develop the area of the brain that enables higher functioning, creativity, & overall emotional intelligence.

This allows high achievers to focus their energy where you will get the best results, happiness & fulfillment.

Are you striving to perform at your best, but maybe you fall short due to:
► Decision paralysis
► Workload overwhelm
► Juggling work with the demands of a family
► The incessant whirling of your mind
► Critical inner voice
► Fear of not getting it right first time

How can I help?
► I teach how to take control & responsibility back & stop self-sabotaging
► I help identify any blocks holding you back
► I show how to be more effective with your time
► I explain how to switch off the stress response
► I help you increase the quality of your relationships
► I work with you to set & achieve goals aligned with your values, passion & purpose.


Decision Making
Emotional Intelligence
Goal Setting
Imposter Syndrome
Work-Life Balance
Mindfulness and Wellbeing
Time Management
Preventing Burnout
Starting A Business
Global Expansion

Let's chat

Virtual Coffee
Chat to this Mentor and discuss what you can get out of their services. Get to know each other over a 30 minute phone or video call.
Virtual Coffee
Chat to this Mentor and discuss what you can get out of their services. Get to know each other over a 30 minute phone or video call.
Business Breakthrough Session

Book your expert of choice for a personal 45 minute 1-2-1 session. (Each customer has a limit of one breakthrough session per expert)

A breakthrough session is a chance to get insight from a business expert in to your business or a new idea. Talk about where your business is currently at and where you want it to be.

A breakthrough session is for anyone who wants to:

  • Identify the key goal for their business
  • Gain an idea of their next step
  • Gain motivation
  • Gain some confidence
  • Talk to a business sounding board
  • Get answers to a specific question or problem
  • Chat to another wonderful human being!

Phone and video calls available.

Business Breakthrough Session
Got a burning question that needs an answer? Or want to discuss your business with an expert and get some actionable insight? (Book this Expert for a 45 minute session) More
Business Development Journey

Book your expert of choice for personal 1-2-1 sessions each month and select the number of hours per month. (The Development Journey is for a minimum of 3 months)

During the Development Journey, you and your chosen expert will work together to grow your business, whilst combating any problems and exploiting any potential opportunities.

This journey is for anyone who wants to:

  • Identify the strengths of their business and develop them
  • Identify key goals/KPIs for their business
  • Increase their confidence
  • Improve business performance and growth
  • Improve decision making and avoid crucial mistakes
  • Improve networking opportunities
  • Increase profits
  • Achieve personal development alongside their business
  • Focus

Invest in yourself!

Phone and video calls available.

Business Development Journey
Want to take your business to the next level, improve your bottom line and achieve your personal goals? (Book this Expert for monthly sessions – minimum 3 months) More
£150.00 Per hour, per month
All prices listed include VAT.
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