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Romans Ivanovs Profile Photo
Romans Ivanovs Marketing & Advertising
Managing Director
United Kingdom

Hi, I'm Romans

Originally having an interest in creative industries I persued several freelance gigs designing logos for a variety of businesses. I then launched an apparel brand and failed miserably. I even tried to sell some of the t-shirts on music festivals (illegally). I was 19. Later I developed an interest in practical psychology which somehow led me to a telesales job cold calling senior executives of Fortune 500. This is when I learned how to speak.

Further nurturing my interest in communication and psychology but not knowing exactly what I wanted to do next I've made a commitment to overcome my fear of public speaking. Which I did after the 20th (or so) event. During my presentations and workshops, I had a chance to meet a variety of entrepreneurs which led me to have more exposure to the London start-up scene.

In 2017 I co-founded a niche travel operator firm. Having a low to almost no marketing budget we had to learn "the lean way". This is when I discovered social media marketing. We managed to grow from 0 to £100K in less than 12 months using Facebook's organic reach.

I had then decided to step down and pursue my interest in marketing.

In 2019 I launched a marketing/consulting agency helping eCommerce and DTC brands grow with paid media. We're now a small team of 3 people managing several accounts. I like to say that we use consumer behaviour psychology, data and creative ideas to help brands scale from 6 to 7+ figures in yearly revenue. We're also launching our own DTC brand in Q4.

My long-term vision is to create an umbrella agency launching and acquiring DTC brands. This year our focus is on our clients and expanding our portfolio.

I'm mainly looking for support with putting my vision into reality. I'm aware that I'm not coming from a topical advertising/marketing background but I feel that I truly care about what we do.

I look forward to speaking with you!


10 / 10

I’m running a marketing agency which is going through a growth phase. Having several challenges to deal with everything from task prioritisation to a client and team management, I was looking for solid support in terms of coaching/mentorship. After having a virtual coffee with Stephen I already felt I had a bunch of really valuable insights to take and implement straight away. In my view, Stephen has to offer a perfect combination of an experienced entrepreneur and a professional life coach that gives a much more holistic approach to some of the things we talk about… I like that we can go deep on personal challenges as well as cover very specific business-related questions. At the end of the day, it all comes down one’s mindset. So anyone who’s looking to grow personally and as a result impact their business growth should at least have a coffee with Stephen!

Stephen Chandler
Stephen Chandler
United Kingdom