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Rehan Javed Profile Photo
Rehan Javed Career Coaching
Corporate and Executive Coach
United Kingdom
20+ Years experience
Price Tier - £££
Industries worked in

Hi, I'm Rehan

I empower people and organisation to significantly increase their performance capabilities in order to achieve worthwhile goals and purposes. I take a pragmatic results oriented approach, where the absolute focus is on people and their desired outcomes.

• I coach people/teams who believe in their potential and know that they can achieve more than they are currently achieving.
• My clients have a clear goal or willing to create one and are seriously committed to take actions in order to fulfil their ambitions.
• Through out the coaching process I challenge my clients to come out of their comfort zone, adjust their thinking patterns to highlight obstacles so that they can maximise their performance.
• My clients acquire facts and develop skills and behaviour not by being taught or told but by discovering from within stimulated by coaching.
• Our potential lies between what is and what could be.

Before setting up my own coaching business I served in business organisations at management/leadership level where I oversaw people with diverse backgrounds, mindsets, behaviours, skills and development challenges.

I noticed that despite having the right appetite to grow, people routinely fell short of reaching their full potential or would deliberately give up. Not having a meaning and purpose, lack of lucidity about personal/team values and vision, didn’t only cause burn outs and despair at an individual level but also compromised the cohesiveness of teams which ultimately lowered the performance. I witnessed many very talented people abandoning their career ambitions because the right kind of conditions and environment which could inspire growth was at least mislaid if not absent entirely.

In 2017, I finally chose Coaching as a profession. Because I recognised that if we are to achieve real performance improvement, evolution is the key and Coaching is the mechanism of transformation.

I work with specific individuals and teams in professional organisations (mainly at leadership & management level) in a non-critical and non-judgemental way to improve their performance, possibilities and sustainability within the corporate environment.


Goal Setting
Preventing Burnout
Starting A Business

Let's chat

Virtual Coffee
Chat to this Mentor and discuss what you can get out of their services. Get to know each other over a 30 minute phone or video call.
Virtual Coffee
Chat to this Mentor and discuss what you can get out of their services. Get to know each other over a 30 minute phone or video call.
Career Breakthrough Session

Book your expert of choice for a personal 45 minute 1-2-1 session. (Each customer has a limit of one breakthrough session per expert)

A breakthrough session is your chance to understand a bit about yourself with the help of an expert. Discuss your current situation as well as any plans or goals you have, or want.

A breakthrough session is for anyone who wants to:

  • Identify their most important goals
  • Gain an idea of their next step
  • Be Energised
  • Gain some confidence
  • Talk to a personal sounding board
  • Get answers to a specific question or problem
  • Chat to another wonderful human being!

Phone and video calls available.

Career Breakthrough Session
Got a burning question that needs an answer? Or want to discuss your career with an Expert and get actionable feedback? (Book this Expert for a 45 minute session) More
Career Development Journey

Book your expert of choice for personal 1-2-1 sessions each month and select the number of hours per month. (The Development Journey is for a minimum of 3 months)

During the Development Journey, you and your chosen expert will discover and unlock your potential.

This journey is for anyone who wants to:

  • Identify their strengths and develop them
  • Identify personal and professional goals
  • Increase their confidence
  • Improve performance
  • Improve personal skills and behaviour
  • Improve decision making
  • Improve career planning
  • Better networking opportunities
  • Cure their Imposter Syndrome

Invest in yourself!

Phone and video calls available.

Career Development Journey
Want to discover the best version of yourself, set and achieve your career goals? (Book this Expert for monthly sessions – minimum 3 months) More
£175.00 Per hour, per month
Executive Development Journey

Book your expert of choice for personal 1-2-1 sessions each month and select the number of hours per month. (The Executive Development Journey is for a minimum of 3 months)

During the Executive Development Journey, you and your chosen expert will discover and unlock your full potential, whilst building the skills and knowledge to reach the top level of your industry.

This journey is for anyone who wants to:

  • Maximise performance
  • Achieve top level career goals
  • Equip themselves with the knowledge & mindset required
  • Optimise strengths for their unique situation
  • Maximise their confidence
  • Learn strategic thinking of the highest standard
  • Optimise leadership skills
  • Sharpen decision making
  • Enhance boardroom influence
  • Build a valuable network
  • Cure their Imposter Syndrome

Invest in yourself!

Phone and video calls available.

Executive Development Journey
Want to develop into the best leader you can be and reach the top of your industry? (Book this Expert for monthly sessions – minimum 3 months) More
£250.00 Per hour, per month
All prices listed include VAT.
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