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3 Reasons Every Leader Needs A Leadership Coach

Maddie McArdle
31 May 2022
3 reasons every leader needs a leadership coach 3

It is true that some of the world’s most iconic leaders have had an innate ability to lead others, however, it is also a skill that can be developed and perfected.

Leadership coaching is akin to a professional athlete working closely with their trainer & dietician in order to finetune their performance. No matter how well you’re doing and whether or not you’re at the top of your game, there is always room for improvement.

Similarly to the top athlete who uses their coach to continuously evolve and develop, a leader can better themselves by working with a leadership coach.

Regardless of whether or not you have a natural aptitude for leadership, receiving guidance from a coach can be the difference between a satisfactory leader and an exceptional leader.

Leadership development is a lifelong process that can be finetuned through coaching services. Thanks to the ever-changing digital climate, most leadership coaches now work with clients from a vast array of leadership roles in an online setting, making communication simple and almost instant.

What is leadership coaching and what exactly does a leadership coach do?

The process involves a trained and highly experienced coach coming together with a leader for the purpose of continuous development.

A leadership coach will work with you to identify your current standing, your goals and objectives and how you’re going to get there. They’ll work closely with you to help you reach your full potential, acting as a feedback loop as you journey towards self-actualisation in your role as a leader.

Want to understand the top reasons why you need an online leadership coach? Read on…

A leadership coach is proven to enhance your performance

With lots of data already available on this subject, scientists have long discussed the benefits of working with an external party in order to maximise results. Findings from the ICF highlight that 70% of those who’ve received coaching saw an uplift in output as a result of their sessions.

Working with you to develop your leadership skills holistically, your coach will touch upon all the key areas relating to your performance.

In addition to improving your performance, one of the many benefits of having an experienced coach by your side is the supplement of having a second opinion before you make your next move.

All of these factors add up to powerfully enhance your performance.

A leadership coach will empower you

Imagine having a reliable and well-informed individual available on demand to guide you during times of uncertainty. Working with a coach can provide a much-needed confidence boost, with over 80% of those who have received coaching having benefited from an increase in confidence.

Once on your journey towards improving your skills as a leader, you will begin to feel more empowered and able to take control of the situations you encounter.

Additionally, as well as empowering yourself, you will find that once your leadership skills have been honed in on, your teams will feel the benefit and will also feel empowered as a result.

This can be the difference between a manager in charge of a team, and a leader who uplifts and strengthens their team.

A leadership coach can help stretch you beyond your usual limits

It has been said that comfort zones kill progress. One way your leadership coach can support you is by navigating you through (and beyond) your usual limits.

Why do I need to stretch myself you ask? A common feature that lots of successful individuals share is their desire to not rest on their laurels. Some of the best leaders of all time have made a habit of exploring new frontiers.

In stretching yourself, you leave your safety zone and enter the ‘growth zone’ which can result in unparalleled shifts in your knowledge.

Once outside of your comfort zone, you’ll find you’ve opened up the doorway to new experiences, which in turn can allow you to understand fresh perspectives that may otherwise have laid dormant.

Although the idea of leaving your comfort zone might feel uncomfortable, rest assured that with a leadership coach beside you, you will have all the tools needed to aid you as you transition into your new growth zone.

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Looking for a leadership coach in the UK? Working with a leadership coach online can help you reach your business or career goals with ease. Get started today with your own development programme by using our Expert Matcher tool or consulting our friendly team.

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