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4 Reasons Your Business Needs A Marketing Mentor

Maddie McArdle
6 July 2022
Why you need a marketing mentor 2

Some of the most successful individuals and businesses alike have credited their triumphs with having had a mentor.

In fact, over 70% of Fortune 500 companies offer their staff mentoring opportunities, showing that some of the world’s most successful organisations recognise the power of mentoring programmes. It is clear to see that in order to really succeed and thrive, getting tailored guidance from an expert is imperative.

Mentors come in all shapes and sizes, specialising in a range of sectors and areas. In particular, a marketing mentor can help you develop a bulletproof marketing strategy that can secure business growth. If marketing is an area your business has struggled with, bringing in external expertise can help take your business off the ground.

If you’re wondering exactly what a marketing mentor does and how they can be of assistance, read on…

What is a marketing mentor?

Marketing mentoring can be defined as when an expert dedicates time to work with a less experienced individual, team or business in order to help develop their marketing skills.

Marketing mentoring allows individuals to learn from an expert in their field that has already been there and done that. Marketing activities can often be the Achilles’ heel for small businesses, so alleviating pressure and gaining a solid foundation from an expert can be the missing link that most SMEs need to succeed.

Research has shown that 70% of all small businesses with a mentor survive for 5 years or more, compared to those that are going at it alone without any form of support.

Whether a professional marketeer or just looking for marketing advice for your small business, you can benefit from working with a mentor specialising in marketing in a number of ways.

Let’s explore the top benefits below.

Here’s why you need a marketing mentor…

Benefit from a second opinion

One of the biggest benefits of utilising a marketing expert is the actionable advice and support you receive as a result.

Marketing experts can act as a sounding board, providing honest feedback that can help dictate your next move. When suffering from analysis paralysis, a marketing mentor can provide constructive comments to help shine a light on the best way forward. Drawing upon their extensive experience helping those in a similar position, a marketing mentor can provide insight and reassurance.

Ultimately, one of the toughest areas getting in the way of business growth is knowing how to generate sales and new customers, which is where a marketing mentor’s advice comes into play.

Develop faster

When growth and development seem long and arduous, there is one way to go about developing at a faster pace, which is through working with a marketing mentor.

With over 90% of small business owners claiming their mentors as having had a direct impact on growth and survival, a marketing mentor could be the difference between development and stagnation.

With someone to bounce ideas off and a helping hand to navigate tricky times, you’ll find reaching business goals easier with a marketing mentor at your side.

Stay on top of a constantly changing market

To stay at the top of your game, you need to be aware of the latest industry news, trends and tools, which is where a marketing expert becomes extremely valuable.

When it seems like trends are constantly in flux and there’s a new tool for every possible area, the complexity of the marketing arena can seem overwhelming. Having someone who is at the top of their field on board can help with gaining a wider understanding of the industry.

With support from a key player in the field, you can expect your business to hit the ground running once mentoring sessions commence. Along with the added benefit of getting an outsider’s view on operations, you’ll have access to an industry leader’s insight and knowledge on an area that is constantly changing.

Grow your network

Another major benefit of working with a marketing mentor is the doorways that open, shining light on new networks that can influence and shape your business. Mentors can help you grow your network by extending invitations to industry events and meetings. They can open up avenues to their vast connections, who can go on to support your business growth.

Once working with a mentor, you’ll benefit from additional relationships with key players in the industry, who can glean even more insight into business operations. Oftentimes when running an SME, having introductions to helpful players in the industry can be the leverage you need to survive.

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How to find a marketing mentor

If you’ve decided the time is right to take your business to the next level and wish to work with a marketing expert, you’re in the right place.

Marketing experts can help you with marketing strategy, social media, content creation or any aspect of marketing you desire.

To get started it’s really as simple as speaking with our friendly team, who’ll be able to match you up with the perfect marketing mentor. Alternatively, you can browse experts by sector here.

Getting ongoing 1-2-1 support and feedback from someone with 10, 20, 30+ years in your field, will mean you’ve always got a sounding board to bounce ideas off. It’s time to start your mentoring journey!

About Wiseup

Providing quality mentors to a diverse range of individuals and businesses, you’ll find an expert within our community to suit every niche. Whether marketing, leadership or confidence mentoring, we match users with the perfect expert to deliver tangible results.

We cover a wide range of specialisms, to get lots of free advice and support head to our blog here.

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