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How To Drive Traffic To Your Website For Free: Top 10 Checklist

Chantelle Argent
20 August 2020

Driving more traffic to your website is the goal of any marketer in the digital age. Sometimes this can be a struggle, especially when you’re not backed up by a hefty marketing budget. Here are the top ten ways to drive significantly more traffic to your website for free.

Our Top Ten Guide To Help Drive Traffic To Your Site:


A blog is a great way to generate regular content that will drive traffic to your website. You should always be aiming to offer entertaining or informative content that will add value to the lives of your consumers. This will help you form a loyal following.

Ensure that you post consistently and stick to a regular schedule. Consumers will begin to expect content from you on certain days, and this will keep them coming back for more.

Within your blogs you can also link to other areas of your site as a way of promoting your products or services.


It is vital that you take the time to learn how to utilise SEO if you are serious about investing your time into free ways of driving traffic to your website.

SEO goes hand in hand with blogging. Be sure to craft your blogs around highly searched long-tail keywords. There are some great keyword research resources online that you can use for free, such as Answer The Public, in order to get your site ranking higher on search engines.


The average consumer has a very short attention span when it comes to browsing online. If you fail to catch their eye within those first few vital seconds, you may very well have lost yourself a subscriber or a sale. A headline should be used to pull readers in and convert to click-throughs.

Don’t make it difficult for consumers to understand what your content is about. A confusing or obscure headline will turn potential customers or readers away. Headlines are also another great opportunity to incorporate SEO and get your site ranking higher for your niche.


It goes without saying that the power of social media in today’s age should not be underestimated. It is vital that your site has accompanying social pages as they are a great means of free traffic conversion.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are all platforms that can act as excellent means of content sharing, promotion, and engagement.

You can publish articles directly on LinkedIn and allow your content to become part of your profile, which can be a great way to get your content seen by the right people, and help you to build valuable connections.

Put in the time to engage with your target market and build a following. The bigger you are on socials, the wider the audience for your main site becomes.


Imagery & Graphics

By nature, we are visual creatures. If something looks nice, we are more likely to respond to it favourably. Investing time into taking high quality photographs or creating slick graphics will be well worth your while. Impressive imagery will catch people’s attention and help drive them through to other posts and onto your website. Try to use original imagery whenever possible. If you are unable to do this every time, there are many handy royalty-free sites like Pixabay, which offer free-to-use photographs, vectors, and illustrations.


Posting answers to questions on forums like Quora or Reddit can be a really effective way to get your content seen by the right people. Users clicking on these threads are already actively interested in your subject matter, offering you a more targeting approach.

However, be careful not to spam these sites or come across as a sales robot. Take the time to construct real, valuable comments and invite readers to access more information with a link to your website. If done correctly this can open your content to a huge amount of traffic.

Email Marketing

Gathering a mailing list is a great way to reach people with updates about new content or products on your site. You can grow this list organically by utilizing all the previous points and gaining subscribers over time. But, you can also help this process along using lead magnets.

A lead magnet is an effective marketing incentive. You simply offer materials such as PDFs, ebooks, or instructional videos that people can download for free in exchange for their email address. You will then be able to contact them directly with new information or promotional materials.

Site Optimization

Google does not take well to a dodgy site with broken or expired links, and any on-site errors will affect your rankings. You can perform regular site checks using free resources like Dr. Link Check.

Also ensure that your site is optimized for multiple devices. According to Statista, the percentage of mobile device website traffic worldwide has increased from 31% to 51% in the last five years, and this figure is set to keep increasing. A website that is not mobile-friendly is likely to get left behind in the long-run.


Google analytics is the holy grail when it comes to discovering where your traffic is coming from. Learning this information will help you decide where your time and energy is best spent.

It is gratifying to see the places from which your website is receiving most of its traffic from. But more importantly, Google analytics can help you identify places where you are posting content but receiving low to zero traffic.

This gives you insight on where and how you need to tweak your approach. Find ways to optimize these pieces of content for the platforms on which they are being viewed. Slowly, you will see these areas of poor traffic become busy highways of new visitors.


You will probably have heard the phrase ‘content is king’, and it is true. None of these strategies will succeed in growing your site traffic or converting to income if your content is not of the highest quality. This is where you will need to invest the largest share of your time, effort, knowledge, and skill.

Utilised together, these ten free strategies will make a big difference to your site traffic. But, because they are free, they will take time. It will be a slow process, but persistence is key.

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