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The Science Of Coaching & Mentoring In The Workplace

Maddie McArdle
23 February 2022

When it comes to workplace coaching & mentoring, there is an exact science behind its success. Psychologists have studied its benefits and have found a number of key factors that contribute towards the positive impact that company coaching or mentoring has on businesses.

Whether creating stronger and more productive teams or improving your workforce’s mental health – the positive accolades are numerous.

If you’re unfamiliar with the world of coaching or mentoring in the workplace and wish to understand what you could be missing out on, read on!

What is workplace coaching & mentoring?

Company coaching & mentoring can be defined as a system of programmes that are in place to help staff to develop in a range of areas. These programmes are made up of a mixture of 1-2-1 support, training and staff development, and are facilitated by a team of experts that have been specially curated to help your business flourish.

Although the terms mentoring or coaching are used interchangeably, there are small differences between the two. A mentor’s support is focused around experience-based insight and sharing of knowledge. A coach’s support revolves around taking your teams through actionable steps and is usually based on certified training.

Each business may have a preference on the style of support received, with some wanting to utilise the expertise of a mentor to help their teams. Other businesses may prefer to have an accredited coach to bring the best out of the business. Finally, some teams may flourish best with a mixture of the two. The beauty of workplace coaching & mentoring lies in the fact that it is completely tailored to each business’s needs.

Learning & Development schemes are acclaimed by some of the world's top-performing businesses, so if you are not yet offering your teams opportunities to expand their skills & knowledge, you could be missing out.

Let’s take a look at the psychology behind workplace mentoring & coaching…

Science of coaching mentoring 2

Teams are more productive when they feel invested in

One of the key ways you can invest in your teams is through workplace coaching & mentoring. It goes without saying that teams who perceive they are being invested in feel more appreciated and happy. An offshoot of this is that they become more productive.

Psychologists believe that making your teams feel appreciated and supported creates a positive environment for growth. It allows your teams to focus and gives them the drive to improve. It also helps to improve their wellbeing, which again leads to increased output.

To invest in your teams is to spend time and money on your staff, giving them opportunities to learn and develop. This investment pays dividends, as their new skillset helps to improve the quality of work and overall output.

Astonishingly, The Institute For Training & Occupational Learning found that business coaching & mentoring led to an 88% increase in productivity. It seems like a no-brainer right?

Giving your teams tangible steps for improvement makes actioning them easier

In life, how can we ever expect to improve without a solid plan in place? In fact, studies show that those with a clear written plan are 10 times more likely to succeed at their goals than those who do not.

A business coach or mentor can give your teams actionable steps for improvement that can be broken down into easy to digest stages. This naturally makes communication between all members smoother and clearer.

The importance of good communication and action plans is not to be underestimated. Worryingly, a proportion of UK employees feel they are not given enough opportunity for feedback, with 96% saying they want to receive regular communication on their performance.

Even more worryingly for businesses - poor communication and lack of clarity are cited as some of the key areas causing employees to move on. The answer is simple - improve retention rates by offering your teams a performance improvement plan and Learning & Development schemes.

L&D can help to strengthen mental health

One of the main causes of sickness & absence from work is poor mental health, which costs the UK economy £77.5 billion a year. Conditions like anxiety, depression and stress can all be exacerbated by work dissatisfaction, therefore it is crucial to look after your teams and prioritise their mental health.

With this in mind, wellbeing experts are increasingly being used in the workplace to ensure staff are feeling supported and are mentally well. Offering strong communication and support systems for your teams gives them opportunity to work through issues as they arise and before they create mental strain.

In addition to helping your teams work through issues, studies show that individuals who undergo mentoring & coaching are more positive and less likely to show signs of poor mental health, unlike their counterparts who do not receive coaching & mentoring opportunities.

Working with an outside source can make your teams more receptive & empowered

When your teams are feeling stagnant and uninspired, getting support from a third party expert in your field can provide a solution to the issues.

Oftentimes, a business coach or mentor acts as a breath of fresh air to empower and inspire your teams to push themselves out of their comfort zones. Businesses can often remain stuck in the same way of doing things, with little input from outside sources and from their own staff.

This is where a coach & mentor’s expertise comes into play, it allows you to bring a fresh perspective to the table. It keeps employees engaged and receptive, helping them to continuously develop and improve.

The science speaks for itself

Now that you’re aware of the science and benefits behind coaching & mentoring, if you’re not already involved you could be missing a trick! The question is – how and where do you even start your workplace coaching or mentoring journey? Book a free consultation with our friendly team!

Wiseup is the UK’s leading coaching & mentoring community, offering bespoke business mentoring & coaching programmes through our network of over 100 coaches, mentors and wellbeing experts. Thanks to our large network, we are able to offer the support of industry leaders from a number of sectors.

Click here to speak with a member of our team, plus check out our free business resources for learning even more about all things coaching & mentoring on our blog here.

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