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What To Do When You’re Stuck At A Crossroads In Life

Maddie McArdle
22 November 2021
Life Hacks

We’ve all been there at some point: you’re at a complete standstill in your life. You’ve spent hours agonising over your current situation, questioning yourself and unsure which direction to follow. You have too many options on the table and you’re at a pains with how to move forward.

It might be that you’re unsure if you should take a promotion at the job you hate. Or you’re puzzling over setting up your own business venture. Or simply, you’re having doubts about your life choices.

Fear not, as there are steps you can take to break through the standstill. We’ve compiled our top tips to get you moving again in life, no matter what stage you’re at.

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Weigh up your options

When it all feels like too much to make a big decision, the first step is to weigh up all of your options. Get back to basics with a pen and paper and draw up your list. The best way of doing this is by writing your options down and measuring the pros and cons of each option clearly.

Spend plenty of time thoroughly combing over both the positives and negatives. Remember to list them fairly - a study by Stanford University found that people naturally have a negativity bias. Once you’ve got your list together, you could even drop them into a spreadsheet, so that you can filter in & out certain elements that mean more to you than others.

Looking at your options in a black & white manner can be one of the simplest ways to break through your current roadblock. You may find that after analysing your opportunities, you get a gut feeling about how to move forward.

Once you’ve got a better understanding of your options, set yourself a goal to help you push on. Inc report that goals in writing are 42% more likely to be achieved. It may seem like a mammoth task, but setting small, manageable goals all equal baby steps forward.

Do some research

Never fail to realise the power of research. Sometimes all it takes is a little more information on a subject to sway your answer. The Association Of Internet Research Specialists define research as an individual taking careful steps in order to understand more about a particular area of interest.

There are lots of helpful free resources online, on seemingly endless subjects. Try out a number of different search phrases to see what information the internet can provide. Owlcation state that partaking in critical research before making a decision can help create more balanced outcomes.

Give it a go – head over to a search engine of your choice and start researching for your next move.

Get honest feedback from friends and family

Suffering from analysis paralysis? Talking to friends and family can release the burden. Analysis paralysis can be described as an individual over-examining options to the point where they are stifled and cannot take any steps forward.

Pass your concerns over to friends and family when you feel overwhelmed, as you may be shocked at the insight they can provide. You’ll find friends and family have lots of invaluable experience to draw upon.

Ask for honest feedback – getting an outside view of a situation can shine new lights and help you start the process of moving forward. Your loved ones have your best interests at heart and can provide objective advice.

Get expert advice

Sometimes, you may feel so paralyzed in your current situation, that the only way to take a step forward is through seeking expert advice. Consider working with a coach & mentor during these difficult times in your life.

Getting tailored coaching & mentoring can help you decide whether to take or pass up that job opportunity. An expert can help you uncover whether you’re on the right or wrong path.

According to Southampton University, one of the cited benefits of working with a coach & mentor is the broad perspective they can provide on the opportunities presented to you. A coach or mentor acts as a confidant, actively supporting you and uncovering fresh new ideas and suggestions along the way.

As well as providing an outside perspective, reports state that 87% of individuals who undergo coaching & mentoring see an improvement in confidence.

With over 100 experts, covering a range of specialisms, our network of coaches and mentors have the relevant experience to help you. Get your journey started by using our expert matcher tool; answer a few questions on your current situation and our matcher will provide a list of the most suitable experts.

Keep your head up

Lastly, a crucial element to remember is to try to stay positive. Science Daily report that positive visualization makes it easier for individuals to overcome stress and challenges. Negativity and self-criticism will make the job much harder.

Thankfully, there are lots of brilliant resources online, we recommend checking out this free guide to staying positive. Alternatively, if you prefer having a tangible resource, check out this list of the best self-help books.

Although it may be hard to visualize moving forward when you’re stuck at a crossroads, we hope that by combining the above tips, you can get started on the next chapter in your journey.

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