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Development Journeys

Book your Expert of choice for personal 1 to 1 sessions each month. The Development Journey is for a minimum of 3 months.

How long for?

You choose how many hours you wish to request per month. If the Expert accepts the request, they commit to that many hours of mentoring support, per month, for a minimum of 3 months.

After 3 months is over, you are able to cancel the subscription and end the journey. Similarly, the Expert may request to end the Development Journey. The option will become available in the online chat window after 3 months. Or, you can choose to continue at the same rate indefinitely.

How it works:

1. Once the Expert has accepted the request, and payment is completed, you may chat to arrange contact.

2. Arrange a day and time each month when you will have phone or video calls to catch up.

3. Chat via phone or video call for the agreed amount of time each month.

4. The chat window will display the 3 month end date. Before this date, please discuss if you would like to continue or end the Journey after the date. If you want to continue - keep arranging your calls and catching up; you won’t have to worry about doing anything differently, the journey will continue at the same rate.

5. If you decide to end the Development Journey, then you will be able to cancel your subscription in Settings, or the Expert will be able to press End Scheme. The option to do both of those things will appear after 3 months in the top right of the chat.

6. Once the Development Journey comes to an end, you will have the opportunity to leave a review for the Expert and rate them out 10, which will appear on their profile.