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3 Benefits Of Having An Accountability Coach

Maddie McArdle
25 May 2022

Whether you’re looking to make progress in your career or you have a goal to grow your business, having an accountability coach can make your development process a lot smoother.

An accountability coach is a specialist who works alongside you as you push through on your development plan. This type of coach works very closely with you to continuously check in on your progress, ensuring you are where you’re supposed to be. Essentially, an accountability coach holds you responsible for your advancement, whilst simultaneously helping you get from A to B.

Having someone to answer to can go a long way towards putting you in the right headspace for success. If you’re feeling like you’re constantly setting yourself goals but never actually achieving them, read on…

What are the benefits of having a coach specialising in accountability?

An accountability coach can help you formulate a strategy

Imagine how brilliant it would be to receive clarity of direction and strategy from a likeminded individual, whose job is to help you see results? This is one of the major benefits to working with an accountability coach!

When you first start working with an accountability coach, they will delve deep into your aspirations and goals. Following on from this, they will be able to help you create a unique strategy that is tailored to your individual needs.

This strategy will be closely observed for the duration of your coaching relationship, the accountability coach can work with you to update and tweak your plan depending where you’re at with it.

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An accountability coach’s results driven attitude will inspire you

When someone is holding you to a standard that must be met, it is easier to overcome barriers and feelings of negativity that may be holding you back. A coaches job is to inspire you to achieve the results you want with their can-do, results driven attitude.

Many studies on the topic of being coached demonstrate its impact, showing that working with an outside source can provide a much needed mental boost to individuals being coached.

In addition to giving you a positive mental boost, having someone constantly checking in can help to keep you motivated. Research surrounding ‘buddy’ systems for goal orientated activities (like weight loss or weight training) show the effectiveness of having someone else involved to keep you inspired.

An accountability coach can help you overcome procrastination

Let’s face it, it can be difficult to stay on track when we have no one to report into. No matter how strong your willpower is, lapsed moments all add up to slow down or hinder progress.

An accountability coach can support you by providing all the tools necessary to overcome procrastination.

Often, an accountability coach will work with you to set time specific goals and will frequently check in with you to see how you’re getting on.

Acting as a measure for your commitment and success, they will work with you to overcome any slips in motivation, so that you are constantly on the ball. The beauty of online coaching is that your coach can be available at the click of the button, any time, anywhere. This means issues can be dealt with head on as soon as they arise.

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Looking for an accountability coach in the UK? Check out our range of industry leading experts, coaches & mentors here.

About Wiseup

An online coaching company with over 100 experts, we specialise in providing tailored coaching and mentoring programmes to a diverse range of individuals and businesses.

Our goal is to bring coaching & mentoring to the UK masses and our down-to-earth family led team are here to support you on your journey.

We have access to a wide array of industry leaders from multiple sectors; what sets us apart from other coaching companies is our Expert Matcher tool, which lets you quickly review the most suitable coaches and mentors in just a few clicks.

Learn more about Wiseup here, plus get lots more helpful tips & tricks on our blog here.

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