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Harris Academy Tottenham Students Shine at LondonEnergy

Maddie McArdle
3 May 2024
Pathfinder Programme

Last week marked a transformative experience for ten bright minds from Harris Academy Tottenham, as they embarked on a work placement journey with LondonEnergy.

Throughout the week, these budding professionals delved into immersive workshops designed to equip them with essential skills for their future endeavours. From mastering the art of creating compelling CVs to harnessing the power of LinkedIn for career advancement, the students were primed with tools crucial for navigating the professional landscape. They also got to build their first professional networks and shared fantastic updates as their work experience progressed.

Whilst taking part in the placement, the students got to experience a wide array of job functions, including HR, IT, Asset Management and Waste Management. Their time spent within these departments was not just about gaining insight into the inner workings of a crucial part of London’s waste management scene, but also about unlocking doors to new career possibilities.

London Energy Work experience 2

The feedback pouring in from the students reflects the profound impact of their experience. One mentee expressed “My work experience week with LondonEnergy was amazing! It has really opened my eyes into work life settings and how people communicate and share ideas with each other."

Another commented "The opportunity to network with industry experts and fellow participants was invaluable. I met inspiring individuals who shared their expertise and experiences, fostering a supportive environment conducive to learning and growth."

The mentee’s comments encapsulate the sentiment shared by many of their peers. The opportunity to interact with industry experts and fellow participants proved to be a catalyst for inspiration and growth. In particular, engaging with individuals who generously shared their expertise and experiences created a supportive environment conducive to learning.

The mentors at LondonEnergy played a pivotal role in curating this enriching experience. Their dedication and commitment ensured that each student not only gained valuable knowledge but also felt empowered to explore diverse career paths. One particular mentee noted how his mentor had inspired him to follow a similar career path, thanks to his detailed overview and expert advice.

London Energy Work experience 3

As we celebrate the success of these students and the fantastic effort of their mentors, it’s clear to see that initiatives like these are transformative for all involved. LondonEnergy’s investment in nurturing young talent demonstrates the company's continued commitment to making an impact on the lives of individuals in the North London community.

What’s more, the impact of the Pathfinder Programme extends far beyond the confines of a single week. Armed with newfound knowledge and inspiration, these students are poised to take the next steps in their careers, as they enter their final year of sixth form. We’re positive that thanks to their mentor’s guidance, all ten of these students will continue on in their paths with confidence and determination. Their journey serves as a reminder of the profound impact that mentorship and experiential learning can have on shaping the future of our workforce.

Thank you to LondonEnergy and all of the mentors involved for the continued commitment to dismantling social barriers.

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