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How to Smash Your New Year's Resolutions

Joe Wood
21 December 2020

I think we can all agree that it’s about time we were well rid of 2020. It’s been a particularly difficult year for all, professionally and personally.

We’re certainly not out of the woods just yet, but with a Covid-19 vaccination finally beginning its phased circulation, there is a glimmer of hope for 2021. And what better way to laugh in the face of the 2020, than to make 2021 your comeback year?

Let’s look optimistically into the New Year as a time when we will make plans and resolutions that we can commit to. To help with this cause, we’ve put together our Top 6 Tips for Smashing your 2021 New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Prepare for Change

According to Forbes, ‘the No. 1 reason resolutions don't stick is that people don't do the work to prepare themselves for the change.’

The work doesn’t start on January 1st (let’s be real, it never really starts until the 2nd), this year, it starts now.

Use the Christmas break, and the lead up to New Year’s to get your head in the game. Prepare your mind and organise yourself. You want to start the new year with everything in place to make your 2021 goals a reality.


SMART goals are a tried and tested way to package your goals and make them more achievable.

You can read more about how and why SMART goals should be used in our previous blog. But in a nutshell, SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Action-Orientated, Realistic, and Time-bound. Use this model if you’re serious about sticking to your professional 2021 New Year’s Resolutions.

But remember, you can always revisit and revise them throughout the year, and break them down into small, achievable segments. As we’ve said, it’s all about taking back control, and making 2021 work for you.

3. Use Visual Motivation

Ironically enough, 2020 was not the year of perfect vision. In fact, it has pretty much been blind leading the blind.

Let’s turn that on its head next year and find some way to truly visualise your 2021 resolutions.

Create something that you can refer to as a reminder, a guide, and a motivator. An interactive visual aid that illustrates your progress over time is a great way to stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

Life inevitably gets in the way. There’s always something more important (or more appealing) to do. A fun, visual reminder that you cannot ignore will help you stay on track and fired up.


4. Don’t Pursue Perfection

Okay, time for a news flash: Perfection is not a thing.

If there’s one thing this year has taught us, it’s that there will always be curveballs we cannot plan for. Life is fluid and unpredictable by nature. That’s the cruelty and the beauty of it. All we can do is make the best of the time we are given and keep on moving.

In 2021, strive for progress, not perfection. Avoid bending over backwards trying to fit someone else’s expectations or idea of perfection. This will actually stifle your chances of success.

Take a leaf out of Mother Nature’s book; Get comfortable being perfectly imperfect and ever-changing. With this fresh perspective on success, you’ll grow and adapt in ways you never would have expected.

5. Have Fun with It

Let’s break it down for a second. Why do we bother setting goals in life, or making new resolutions each year? Is it to punish ourselves for never quite being good enough?

No. It’s because we want the most out of life.

We want to achieve. We want to live. We want to open new doors of opportunity. We want to laugh, celebrate together, take care of each other, have fun, and be happy.

Never lose sight of this when trying to achieve your New Year’s resolutions. All your efforts will be in vain if you’re not able to have fun along the way. And let’s face it, if achieving your goals becomes a chore, then - just like the dirty dishes – they’ll never get done.

6. Find a Mentor

The last, and perhaps the most important thing you can do to make 2021 the year that you finally achieve your professional resolutions, is to enlist the help of mentor who has been there and done that.

A mentor is a trusted advisor with more relevant experience than you currently have in your field. They're a confidential ear to guide those big decisions and help you manage your mental well-being.

Whether you are looking to make leaps in your career, or get your business booming, a mentor draws out that strength, and helps you discover the best version of yourself.

Wiseup is an online mentoring platform with 140+ quality mentor profiles to choose from. We are leading a new-age of mentoring on-demand, and we want to help people unleash their full potential in 2021.

That’s why we’re sending a code for 50% off your first month of mentoring sessions, to anyone who signs up as a Wiseup mentee by 15th January*.

Learn how to receive and redeem your discount here!

Start cementing your resolutions today and discover how Wiseup’s hand-picked selection of mentors can help you.

*Code valid until 1st April 2021.

Wise Up With Wiseup!

Learn more about how mentoring could help you in 2021:

The Truth About Mentoring: Top 8 Mentoring Myths Debunked

How Important Is A Mentor For A Startup Founder?

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