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Your New Job Survival Kit

Maddie McArdle
11 November 2021

Congratulations on your new job! You’ve aced the interview, you’re working your notice, and now your start date looms ever nearer. So here’s the important part: how do you survive (and thrive) in your new role?!

There are many things you can do to ease yourself into your new position. The concept of a new job can seem daunting, so we’ve compiled our top tips to make those first few months in a new job as positive as possible!

Check out our new job survival kit below…


Take care of your physical & mental health

You may be thinking – what does this have to do with surviving my first few weeks in a new job?

If you’re wanting to be the best version of yourself in any aspect of life, you need to start with the foundations. That includes looking after yourself from the inside out.

Do you get enough sleep? Do you have a balanced diet? Are you getting enough exercise? Ask yourself these questions and take action on the areas you feel need work.

When it comes to optimal performance in your job, it stands to reason that individuals who take care of their personal lives start each day more refreshed and ready to go than those who take little care for their physical & mental health. There are many simple & free ways to look after yourself. These include:

Practicing mindfulness – studies show that those who practice mindfulness and meditation are 120% more productive at work.

Getting enough sleep – it’s reported that adding an extra 60 minutes to your sleep routine make you more happy & healthier.

Eating a balanced diet – scientists state that consuming a healthy diet leads to more energy & focus.

Exercising every day – this can be any form of exercise you enjoy and find easy, as all forms of exercise lead to lower stress levels - no gym passes required!

Part of surviving a new job is being the best version of yourself. Make sure you’re looking after yourself and it will pay off.

Take time to get to know your colleagues

One of the most common concerns at work is tension between colleagues, with 11% of UK workers citing this as the main cause of stress in their jobs.

To get off to the best start, it’s important to get to know your new team members. You may only be introduced to your immediate team, but there’s no harm in going out of your way to speak to colleagues in the wider workforce.

Spend your lunch times with different colleagues and offer to sit with other departments to understand how they work.

Getting to know your colleagues extends to outside of work as well – the occasional work meet up can do wonders for team relations. If there’s no external activities in place, why not take initiative? Options could include going for dinner, setting up a book club, or pre/post work exercise classes.

There are countless ways to get to know the wider team. Use this as an opportunity to show your creativity and willingness to get involved; you can get inventive with your ideas!

Create a personal development plan

It is known that personal development leads to better self awareness, more motivation and a stronger sense of direction.

Personal development involves any activity that benefits your growth and is unique to each individual. Perhaps you want to improve your communication skills, or you feel like you could do with scrubbing up on computer programmes; each person’s development goals will be different.

To launch your own personal development plan, think about the areas you’d like to improve on, set yourself goals and check in with them regularly. Data shows that those who write down goals are 42% more effective at reaching them.

In addition to setting yourself goals, consider reading self-help literature. There are lots of free personal development resources online and within libraries. Staying up to date with current news and topics will also aid in personal development, never underestimate the value of continuously learning.

Combine the above areas for personal improvement and you’ve got yourself some brilliant tools in your new job survival kit.

Settle in to your new job with a coach & mentor

Still feeling uncertain? Arm yourself with your very own coach & mentor.

As well as following the above steps, you can ease yourself into your new job with the help of a coach or mentor. Wiseup Experts can guide you through situations as they arise, acting as a sounding board and support system. A coach & mentor often can act as a brilliant confidence boost, according to one study, 80% of people with a coach & mentor saw an improvement in their confidence and self esteem.

You’re now armed with a bulletproof new job survival kit! Follow the above steps and we’re sure you’ll be thriving in your new role.

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