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Coaching & Mentoring
3 Benefits Of Having An Online Mentor (Instead Of Face-To-Face)
There’s no denying that there have been huge changes to the way in which the world operates as a result of the pandemic. With many industries moving to an online setting, mentoring programmes have been one such area to follow suit. In addition to a changing sphere, mentoring has seen increased demand due to more people feeling out of sync over the last few years, with reports showing a 30% increase in workplace mentoring in an effort to support employees, for example.
Coaching & Mentoring
What Is Online Coaching & Mentoring?
As we live our lives in an ever-increasingly digital world, there are more and more activities taking place purely on the digital landscape; one of those activities is coaching & mentoring. Once something that would take place in face-to-face proximity, coaching & mentoring has now shifted almost completely towards the online sphere. With the ease with which users can access experts, it perfectly suits the modern person with their hectic schedules and desire for instantaneous access.
Coaching & Mentoring
What Does A Coach Do?
With so many self-proclaimed coaches now cluttering the online sphere, discerning the genuine coaches from the self-titled can be a task and a half. On top of this, confusion over what exactly a coach does can make it seem like a daunting mission.
Coaching & Mentoring
What Does A Mentor Do?
Mentoring – a valuable tool in your self-improvement arsenal, yet so often underutilised. Many of us encounter issues in our day to day lives and simply worm our way through them, relying on just the internet and friends for advice. But what if you could have on-demand guidance from someone with an abundance of experience? That’s exactly where a mentor comes in to play!
Coaching & Mentoring
What Is The Difference Between Coaching & Mentoring?
Both coaching and mentoring can help you achieve objectives, but there are some differences between the two. Depending on your preferences and desired outcome, one may be more suitable than the other. So what is the difference between coaching and mentoring? Here, we look at some of the key differences.
Coaching & Mentoring
Top 4 Reasons Why Mentors Are More Helpful Than The Internet
When we find ourselves stuck, many of us will turn to Google for answers (other internet search engines are available, apparently …) But believe it or not, the internet is not always the ultimate fountain of knowledge. Technology is still no replacement for human-to-human communication. Here are the top 4 reasons why a mentor is, and will always be, far more helpful than the internet: